Maria and Keith


Their story

Dear friend,

Well, we're hoping to become friends. My name is Maria Lembach, and my husband is Keith. We live among the pine trees just outside of Colorado Springs, CO. Keith and I met online when I was a college student. Our whole first conversation was a comedy of errors. He asked where I went to school; I said UNC. Not being from Colorado, he thought North Carolina, but I went to Northern Colorado. He asked my major; I said ENG. As a software engineer, he thought engineering. I meant English. This went on, and we had a good laugh about our miscommunication that day. We soon met and really hit it off. I felt like I'd known him for years. He invited me to a friend's wedding where he caught the garter. The entire table full of his friends where I was sitting embarrassed said that we would be the next couple to marry. They were right. We had a beautiful wedding at the botanic gardens and enjoyed life together for a couple of years.

Then we decided it was time to start a family. I wanted a big family, and Keith wanted a few kids, so we had to get cracking. Who knew how difficult it would be to become parents. We were so naive. We should have seen a reproductive endocrinologist years sooner than we did. Long story short, it took over a decade of trying and IUIs and finally two rounds of IVF to create our beautiful family. We now have four wonderful sons to call our own. They have some special needs, but we couldn't love them more.

After all that, we are left with one frozen embryo, and we would do anything to give this last baby a chance at life. But we've run into a roadblock. My doctors have stongly advised me to not get pregnant again because my uterus is so very thin. They warned that I would rupture and bleed out and lose the baby and possibly my life. That's where we're hoping you come into our lives. The only option is to find a willing surrogate to carry our baby for us. We know this is a big ask, but we're asking you to please consider being our family's gestational carrier. We would be forever grateful if you would join our family in this journey to completion.

Thank you for reading. I hope we can meet and start our friendship and give our last remaining embryo his or her shot at life.
Maria and Keith Lembach

Interesting facts about Maria & Keith

Live near Colorado Springs, CO

Have 4 children

Want to give a chance to their last embryo

Prefer a surrogate in Colorado, Utah or Idaho but open in anywhere in the US

IVF Clinic located in Denver, CO

As Christians, They would not choose to terminate unless the gestational carrier's life was at risk.

Their ideal surrogate: Talkative because we're more quiet. Kind and patient. Someone who will be excited with us.