Posts tagged pregnant
If an intended parent asks their surrogate to be induced or have a cesarean that is not medically necessary, is she be obligated to do so?
Looking Forward to Baby - 6 Baby Must-Haves
Unusual Things Intended Parents Ask of Surrogates
What if the embryo transfer isn't successful? Do IPs usually try a few times with the same surrogate?
How do surrogates get pregnant?
What happens if a surrogate changes jobs or loses a job and insurance during the surrogacy journey?
Managing a Relationship with IPs in Another State
Someone offered to be your surrogate. How do you tell them no?
What Intended Parents Need to Know About Insurance for Surrogacy
Can we pursue surrogacy if we only have one PGS tested embryo with no plans to make more if the one transfer doesn’t work?
A Glossary of Terms for a Surrogacy Journey

Learn more about common terms used throughout the process!

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